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Attention Adopt-a-Highway Volunteers!

-Saturday March 26 – Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup.  Please join us as we walk Genito Road in front of the community to clean up trash and debris.  Thanks to Clyde Watson for organizing this event conducted three times a year.  Participation supports the reputation of OSP as a great place to live.  If you're interested in volunteering please contact Clyde Watson @ Phone: 804-561-5218 email:

-New speed limit signs have been placed on Plantation Parkway.  Please obey speed limit for added safety of the community.

-List of Committees for volunteering. -Architecture Review Committee -Landscape, Maintenance & - Communications/Web o Welcome and Social Committee o Adapt-A-Highway Program Decoration Committee

-Discussion revolved around keeping the website updated with current HOA documents and secondly, the security of the website.  The OSP website is under constant attack by Bots requiring significant attention to cleansing the list of approved members.  Moving the current website to a secure site would require full time administrator.  

-There is a Facebook page established by a community member for the OSP neighborhood though this is not a formal site supported by the Board.  It is maintained by a community member for the benefit of the members.